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TitlePamoja tupate maji : integrated field manual on community participation and health education in rural water supply projects for MAJI, AFYA and MAENDELEO fieldstaff
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsKirimbai, MW, van Wijk-Sijbesma, CA, Pallangyo, EAN
Pagination40 p.
Date Published1986-01-01
PublisherTanzania, Office of the Prime Minister, Community Development Department
Place PublishedMorogoro, Tanzania
Keywordscommunity participation, health education, m, manuals, projects, rural areas, tanzania, tp29, water supply
Custom 1203.2, 205.1
Original PublicationTupate maji pamoja : integrated field manual on community participation and health education for MAJI, AFYA and MAENDELEO


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