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This thesis examines how the private sector can support community-managed rural water supply, especially in Africa.

TitlePrivate sector options to support community management in rural water supply in Africa
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
Authorsvan As, M
Paginationv, 37 p. : 5 boxes, 40 p. appendices
Date Published2001-08-01
PublisherCranfield University at Silsoe
Place PublishedSilsoe, UK
Keywordsafrica, case studies, community management, contracts, private sector, rural areas, sdipol, water supply

This thesis examines how the private sector can support community-managed rural water supply, especially in Africa. After looking at the strengths and weaknesses of community and private sector participation (PSP), the report reviews the following PSP support options: community contractors; mini-contractors or suppliers; NGOs and contractors; contracting-out/services contracts; and North-South private sector partnerships. The report concludes that the private sector-community management partnerships can succeed through capacity building of both sides and adequate backup services. Several case studies are provided in the appendices.

NotesMSc thesis 22 ref.
Custom 1202.2


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