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TitleProceedings of the Third National Symposium on individual and small community sewage treatment : December 14-15, 1981, The Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers -St. Joseph, MI, US
Secondary TitleASAE publication
Paginationvi, 345 p.: fig., ill.
Date Published1982-01-01
PublisherAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers
Place PublishedSt. Joseph, MI, US
ISBN Number0916150437
Keywordsadministration, groundwater pollution, land application, on-site disposal, septage, septic tank effluents, usa, wastewater, wastewater treatment
NotesCover title: On-site sewage treatment. - Includes references
Custom 1320, 72


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