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USAID Transform WASH introduced diverse sanitation products in Ethiopia, expanded availability through local businesses, and sold over 200,000 products by 2023; this learning note details these efforts and their impact.

TitleUSAID Transform WASH products and services : innovations and sales performance
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsEbrahim, M, Osterwalder, L, Mebrate, E
Corporate AuthorsIRC
Secondary TitleLearning note
Pagination47 p. : 14 fig., 3 tab.
Date Published06/2024
PublisherUSAID Transform WASH
Place PublishedAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Publication LanguageEnglish

A decade ago, concrete slabs were the only "improved" sanitation product commonly promoted for rural communities in Ethiopia. USAID Transform WASH aimed to introduce and test new and innovative products for sanitation, focusing on rural and peri-urban areas. Through a network of around 450 local businesses, Transform WASH has expanded the availability of sanitation and hygiene products in Ethiopia and promoted a diverse portfolio of 40 products and services. As of December 2023, over 200,000 products have been sold in Ethiopia. This learning note presents all products and services promoted under Transform WASH and provides a summary of the sales performance between 2017 and 2023. The objective is to make the comprehensive sales data collected by Transform WASH available to all stakeholders to inform the planning and implementation of interventions to strengthen markets for sanitation and hygiene products and services in Ethiopia.


Includes 28 fact sheets. Includes 3 ref.

Citation Key91204




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