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TitleProject management handbook for water supply and sanitation projects
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsZW, ZMinistry o
Pagination136 p.: fig.
Date Published1990-01-01
PublisherZimbabwe, Department of Environmental Health Services
Place PublishedHarare, Zimbabwe
Keywordsadministration, cab91/5, financial management, financing, guidelines, manuals, monitoring, planning, projects, sanitation, training, water supply, zimbabwe

The Project Management Handbook was developed at the request of the Zimbabwean Government Ministry of Health as a guide for the implementation of projects in the context of their National Plan for Water Supply and Sanitation. Outlines are given for the planning, implementation and follow-up of small scale water projects such as wells, latrine construction and workshops for health and hygiene education. Although the handbook is based on the Zimbabwean governmental procedures for procural and financial management, the principles are universally applicable for most small scale water projects. Record keeping, hierarchical staff responsibilities, on- and off-the-job training, transport and logistics, support facilities and monitoring and evaluation programs are discussed in detail along with their justification and relevance to project management. Examples of reporting forms, training charts and project plans are given. The need for clear communication is stressed throughout the book.

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