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TitlePromising water resources management approaches in the drinking water supply and sanitation sector : evaluation document for the Mgeni catchment management plan
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsKarar, E
Pagination143 p. : 5 fig., 21 tab.
Date Published1997-08-01
PublisherUmgeni Water, Water Quality Department, Scientific Services Division
Place PublishedPietermaritzburg, South Africa
Keywordsevaluation, mgeni catchment management plan (kwazulu, south africa), promising water resources management approaches in the drinking water supply and sanitation sector project, sdiafr, sdiwrm, south africa natal / kwazulu mgeni river, water resources management
Notes19 ref., Umgeni Water 1996/97 Environmental Report, Umgeni Water 1996/97 Annual Report, GIS coverages (6 maps)
Custom 1210, 824
Original PublicationPromising water resources management approaches in the drinking water supply and sanitation sector : report on assessments and synthesis workshop (1997)


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