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TitlePromoting health and hygiene through the school system : case study : schools for the promotion of health and hygiene in Peru
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsVera, V, Quiroz, A, Valdevellano, R
Pagination11 p. : 1 tab.
Date Published2000-03-10
PublisherKALLPA, Asociacion para la Promocion Integral de la Salud y Desarrollo
Place PublishedLima, Peru
Keywordscase studies, health education, hygiene, peru, projects, safe water supply, sanitation, schools, sdihyg, sdilac

This case study describes in Part 1 the experiences of the schools for the promotion of health project in Peru which started in 1988 as the schools for the promotion of health and hygiene project. Part 2 deals with the four characteristics of the project: Strengthening the management capacity in schools; Facilitating health education among students; Promoting basic health care at schools; and Promoting dissemination of health information among the local educational community. The methodology, including convocation / selection, insertion, diagnosis / study, work plan, follow-up, and external assessment is explained in Part 3. Part 4 lists the adaptations of the initial strategy and Part 5 the most important results. Risks and limitations are handled in part 6. Lessons learned followed by conclusions can be found in Part 7

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