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The report contains test standards for windpump testing on test sites. The number of wind speed occurences per wind speed interval is recorded (histogram).

TitleRecommended practices for testing water-pumping windmills
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsVeldkamp, D
Secondary TitleIndustry and energy series
Volumeno. 100
Paginationx, 26 p.: fig.
Date Published1989-01-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0821312340
Keywordscab91/1, testing, wind-powered pumps

The report contains test standards for windpump testing on test sites. The number of wind speed occurences per wind speed interval is recorded (histogram). Net water output, pumping head and rotor speed are determined as a function of the wind speed. These parameters are measured as average values over a 10 minute period. 3000 sets of 10 minute average values have to be obtained and the minimum number of sets of measured values per wind speed interval is 10. An overall power coefficient curve can then be established. From these data the following can be derived: annual water output, a quality factor - which is an efficiency number independent of the size of the windmill -, output availability, starting and stopping wind speeds. Both analog and digital data acquisition are possible. Basic formulae, defenitions and accuracy requirements are given.

NotesBibliography: p. 26
Custom 1232.3


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