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TitleReport on diarrhoeal incidence study : findings of the first, second and third round of surveys
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsArnhem, NLEuroconsul, Nijmegen, NLRoyal Hask, Delhi, INIramconsul, Bombay, INAIC-
Paginationi, 30 p. + 4 annexes (23 p.)
Date Published1989-01-01
PublisherRoyal Haskoning
Place PublishedNijmegen, The Netherlands
Keywordschild health, diarrhoeal diseases, epidemiology, india uttar pradesh kanpur, india uttar pradesh mirzapur, kap surveys, questionnaires
Custom 1203.1, 245.11, 822


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