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The Response Protocol Toolbox (RPTB ) is intended to help water utilities plan for and respond to contamination threats. The six modules that constitute the RPTB are:

TitleResponse protocol toolbox : planning for and responding to drinking water contamination threats and incidents
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsEPA -Washington, DC, US
Pagination14 p. : 2 fig.
Date Published2003-12-01
PublisherUS Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsguidelines, planning, pollutants, public health, sdipol, sdiwat, water authorities, water pollution control

The Response Protocol Toolbox (RPTB ) is intended to help water utilities plan for and respond to contamination threats. The six modules that constitute the RPTB are:
1. Water Utility Planning Guide; 2. Contamination Threat Management Guide; 3. Site Characterization and Sampling Guide; 4. Analytical Guide; 5. Public Health Response Guide; and 6. Remediation and Recovery Guide. The Toolbox is designed to help the water supply sector respond to intentional contamination threats and incidents, the modules are intended to be adopted on a voluntary basis by utilities, laboratories, emergency responders, state drinking water programs, technical assistance providers and public health and law enforcement officials.

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