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This book describes the setting up and operation of rural learning resource centres. The first part covers the promoting, planning, organizing and supervision of the centre.

TitleRural community resource centres : a guide for developing countries
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsGiggey, S
Paginationx, 117 p.: ill.
Date Published1988-01-01
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number0333474597
Keywordsadministration, checklists, community development, information services, information transfer, instructional aids, manuals, resource centres, rural areas, sustinf

This book describes the setting up and operation of rural learning resource centres. The first part covers the promoting, planning, organizing and supervision of the centre. It includes financial and staffing arrangements, as well as suitable designs for buildings to be used. Part two is concerned with the the day-to-day tasks of the community information officer running the resource centre. These tasks include collecting, recording, duplicating and producing information and learning resource materials, and other general administrative tasks. There is a list of organizations which provide useful materials. The last part of the guide contains sample forms and checklists for workplans, record keeping, accounts etc.

NotesIncludes glossary
Custom 1130, 502


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