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TitleSectorsteun in milieu en water : een evaluatie van de toepassing van de sectorale benadering in de bilaterale hulp in milieu en water
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
Authorsvan Niekerk, N, van Steenbergen, F
Secondary TitleIOB evaluations
Volumeno. 317
Pagination164 p. : boxes, photogr., tab.
Date Published2008-11-01
ISSN Number9789053283691
Keywordsdevelopment aid, environment, evaluation, funding agencies, netherlands, policies, sdipol, sustainability, water supply
NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.3
Translated TitleSector support in environment and water : evaluation of sector support approaches in bilateral aid in environment and water
Original PublicationEvaluation of sector support and approaches in the water sector : final report, Evaluation of sector approaches in the water sector : country report Benin : final, Evaluation of sector approaches in the water sector : country report Yemen : final, Evaluat



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