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TitleSodis : water quality improvement at household level : worldwide promotion of a water disinfection method
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsEAWAG -Duebendorf, CH, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Duebendorf, CHSANDEC-
Pagination4 p. : ills.
Date Published2004-01-01
PublisherSwiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG)
Place PublishedDuebendorf, Switzerland
Keywordsdisinfection, extension, sdiwat, solar water disinfection (sodis) project, ultraviolet irradiation, water quality

The supply of drinking water requires new strategies and technologies if the ambitious millennium development goals (MDG) are to be reached. Since sodis (solar water disinfection) is applied at household level and makes use of locally available resources, it can be regarded as a new stratagy and new technology and, thus, contributes to reaching the formulated goal. Scientific evidence of sodis efficiency has been obtained through comprehensive research. This method, now promoted worldwide, has currently reached one million users. Sodis presupposes extensive training of the target population until water-handling practices are changed. Health benefits are significant especially when combined with other interventions such as hand-washing. Therefore, sodis is recommended as a potential water disinfection option to be further promoted worldwide. [authors abstract]  

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