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Rural and urban sanitation schemes in Nepal were evaluated in the light of the formulation of a master plan for sanitation.

TitleStrategies for a sanitation master plan
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsSiddhi, RK, Joshi, VR
PaginationP. 97-101: 4 fig.
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordscommunity water supply and sanitation programme (cwss) (nepal), eastern region water supplies project (nepal), evaluation, health education, latrines, low-cost urban and semi-urban sanitation pilot project (nepal), nepal, policies, programmes, rural areas, rural water supply and sanitation project (rwssp) (lumbini zone, nepal), unicef-assisted semi-urban sanitation programme (nepal), urban areas, women's work

Rural and urban sanitation schemes in Nepal were evaluated in the light of the formulation of a master plan for sanitation. Rural programs administrated by FINNIDA, UNICEF and the UK government, and urban programs administrated by UNICEF, NGO's and governmental organizations all have advantages and disadvantages as outlined in the report. The overall goal of providing sanitation services and hygiene education for all inhabitants is targeted for the year 2000. Governmental institutions are to provide a facilitating rather than a decision-making role, women are to be more actively included, and a reorganization of the administrtive structure is planned. The program will begin with hygiene and sanitation education, then the formulation of community committees. The emphasis is on construction of low cost technologies using locally available materials. Monitoring and evaluation will be provided by district and regional units. District training teams will carry out the educational aspects.

Notes8 ref.
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