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Describes a prototype workshop organized by Unicef as part of their new basic services programme for Ethiopia. The workshop was held in Samre, Tigray province, for local public health officers, masons and community members.

TitleSwapping information in high places : sanitation decisions in Ethiopia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsS. Bradley, M
Paginationp. 25-27: photogr.
Date Published1994-04-01
Keywordsbehaviour, community participation, construction, ethiopia tigray province samre, hygiene, latrines, sanplat systems, training courses, women

Describes a prototype workshop organized by Unicef as part of their new basic services programme for Ethiopia. The workshop was held in Samre, Tigray province, for local public health officers, masons and community members. Masons were trained to construct Sanplat latrines. The workshop facilitators used rapid rural appraisal techniques, such as mapping exercises, to involve community members in discussions on hygiene practices. Community members were divided into four groups: elders, men, women and children. Although the level of hygiene knowledge was found to be high, a shortage of wood meant that rotten wooden pit-latrine platforms and latrine roofs could not be replaced. In addition, girls and older women were not using latrines as it was considered immodest to share them with male members of the community.

Notes6 ref.
Custom 1824, 304



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