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Toolkit produced to develop capacity for pro poor Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) at the municipal level.

TitleTools for pro-poor municipal PPP
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsSohail, M
PaginationWWW site
Date Published2004-04-01
PublisherUNDP, Public Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (PPPUE)
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Keywordscapacity building, demand responsive approaches, government organizations, low-income communities, partnerships, private sector, safe water supply, sanitation, sdiman, urban areas

Toolkit produced to develop capacity for pro poor Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) at the municipal level. Public Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (PPPUE) is the global facility that developing countries use to obtain support in their efforts to define, promote and implement PPPs to reduce poverty by increasing the access of the urban poor to basic services. The Tools for Pro Poor PPP at the local level are aimed at members of local level government, business and community organisations interested in an innovative approach to the problems of service delivery, especially to the poor. The tools have been developed through a participatory process involving PPPUE's programmes and projects in 14 countries and more than 50 municipalities around the world ensuring that they are applicable and useful globally but able to be localised rapidly.

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