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The Wessex Water Authority (United Kingdom) assisted the Central Water Authority in St. Lucia to improve the management and operation of that island's water supply system.

TitleA twinning partnership in managing the Central Water Authority in St Lucia
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1984
AuthorsRoberts, KF
PaginationP. 79-86
Date Published1984-01-01
Keywordsaccounting, administration, islands, technical assistance, water authorities, west indies associated states st lucia

The Wessex Water Authority (United Kingdom) assisted the Central Water Authority in St. Lucia to improve the management and operation of that island's water supply system. It was a twinning between the Authorities whereby the Wessex staff became an integrated part of the Central Authority management, and reciprocally, St. Lucian staff trained in Wessex. The assistance provided during 1980-1982 included a reorganization of staff structure. Water wastage was reduced by technical improvements in the water supply system. The introduction of efficient accounting and a computer billing system resulted in a surplus of $16,000 in 1982 compared to a deficit of $110,000 in 1979.

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