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This book explores the issues of disaster and vulnerability from a South Asian standpoint. The issues are presented in the form of case studies and essays by experts from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

TitleUnderstanding vulnerability : South Asian perspectives
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsBhatt, MR, Twigg, J
Paginationvii, 84 p. fig., tab.
Date Published1998-05-01
PublisherIT Publications
Place PublishedLondon, UK
ISBN Number1853394556
Keywordscase studies, development cooperation, disasters, drought, india, low-income communities, nepal, rural areas, sdiasi, sdieme, social aspects, sri lanka, urban areas, women

This book explores the issues of disaster and vulnerability from a South Asian standpoint. The issues are presented in the form of case studies and essays by experts from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. In the final essay, Mihir Bhatt discusses ways of understanding vulnerability by learning from vulnerable people,as a spur to operational agencies and fieldworkers to improve their ways of working.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1121, 802



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