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The objective of this inception report is to present a situation analysis of the rural water supply and sanitation sector and addressing the needs of the sector with respect to monitoring and evaluation, community participation, human resources developmen

TitleUNDP/World Bank/UNICEF Project Pak/90/013/ : inception report
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsPK, PMinistry o
Paginationviii, 70 p.: 1 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published1992-01-01
PublisherPakistan, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Fed. Support Unit
Place PublishedIslamabad, Pakistan
Keywordscommunity participation, evaluation, health education, institutional framework, man6, management information systems, manpower development, monitoring, pakistan, projects, rural areas, sanitation, water supply

The objective of this inception report is to present a situation analysis of the rural water supply and sanitation sector and addressing the needs of the sector with respect to monitoring and evaluation, community participation, human resources development and health/hygiene education. The report also proposes an outline for strengthening the sectoral agencies in the key areas. Background on the sector with particular emphasis on monitoring and evaluation, community participation, human resource development and health/hygiene education is given. The report also presents a conceptual framework for strenggthening the Federal and Provincial/State governments' capacity to monitor and evaluate rural water supply and sanitation sector programmes. The document also includes a proposed outline for a national strategy for involvement of the community in the planning, execution and management of water, sanitation and health/hygiene education projects.

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