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TitleWater for all : the water policy of the Asian Development Bank
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsManila, PHAsian Deve
Paginationiv, 50 p. : 4 boxes, 6 fig
Date Published2003-06-01
PublisherAsian Development Bank
Place PublishedManila, Philippines
Keywordsasia, funding agencies, integrated approach, policies, poverty, private sector, sdipol, water resources management

This document presents the principal elements of ADB’s water policy, as approved by the Board of Directors, on 16 January 2001, recognizing the Asia and Pacific region's need to formulate and implement integrated, cross-sectoral approaches to water management and development. This policy premises the region’s urgent need to formulate and implement integrated, cross-sectoral approaches to water management and development. It promotes the concept of water as a socially vital economic good that needs increasingly careful management to sustain equitable economic growth and to reduce poverty. The conservation and protection of water resources in the region through a participatory approach are at the heart of the policy. The principal elements are : 1) the national focus on water sector reform; 2) integrated water resources management; 3) water services delivery; 4) water conservation and system efficiency; 5) regional cooperation and the mutually beneficial use of shared water resources; 6) water sector information exchange; and 7) governance improvement.
The policy takes note of the recently approved strategy for poverty reduction and specifically provides for the involvement of the poor in water conservation and management. It recognizes that the specific needs and vulnerabilities of the poor are central in formulating sound and equitable water strategies. It also reflects the considerable potential that exists for mobilizing community efforts to directly contribute to pro-poor water development. It underlines the need of knowledge bases of the water needs of the poor and reflects ADB’s strategy for private sector development and well-managed and cost-effective private sector participation.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.3, 210


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