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TitleWater sector governance in Africa. Volume 1. Theory and practice
Publication TypeBook
AuthorsProgramme, ADBWater Part
Pagination81 p. : 6 tab. – Bibliography
Date Published2010-01-01 ?
PublisherAfrican Development Bank
Place PublishedTunis, Tunisia
ISSN Number9789973071484
Keywordsafrica, governance, safe water supply, water supply

This report is an abridged version of the second chapter of the AfDB-financed African Water Governance Study. The report provides an overview of the state of water sector governance in Africa and highlights current thinking and research on the key elements and issues affecting its quality. These include: sector policy, legislation and regulation; decentralization and devolution; sector-wide approaches; water sector financial management; monitoring and evaluation (M&E) integrated and transboundary water resources management (IWRM and TWRM); transparency, accountability and corruption; civil society participation; alternative service provision and public-private partnerships; gender; rights, voice and recourse; and, equitable service delivery. Based on the report’s findings, indicators and targets have been developed to improve the sector’s governance. Volume 1 titled: “Theory and practice” presents the findings, indicators and targets to be achieved while Volume 2 presents concrete “Assessment guidelines” for conducting water sector governance assessments for programs and projects in Africa, based on the findings of Volume 1.

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