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TitleWater test kit I : user's manual
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1975
AuthorsReid, GW
Secondary TitleAppropriate methods of treating water and wastewater in developing countries
Paginationi, 30 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1975-09-01
PublisherUniversity of Oklahoma. Bureau of Water and Environmental Resources Research
Place PublishedNorman, OK, USA
Keywordsbiochemical (biological) oxygen demand, chlorine residual, coliforms, dissolved oxygen, ph, temperature, testing, turbidity, wastewater

The field kit is designed to provide quality checks on the water and sewage facilities. Seven tests were defined as being appropriate to provide an adequate health index of the water. These tests are pH, chlorine residual, turbidity, coliform bacteria, relative stability (biochemical oxygen demand), dissolved oxygen and temperature.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1250
Original PublicationMethodes economiques d'analyse des eaux et des eaux usees dans les pays en voie de developpement : manuel pour l'utilisateur de la trousse a analyser l'eau



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