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This document is reference manual for programme and field staff of the Plan International West Africa Water Programme.

TitleWest Africa water programme : evaluation and advisory mission : final report. Pt 3. Background information
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsBrikke, F, Postma, L
Paginationvi, 84 p.
Date Published2001-03-01
PublisherPLAN International
Place PublishedDakar, Senegal
Keywordsappropriate technology, behaviour, community participation, cost recovery, evaluation, gender, manuals, participatory methods, rural supply systems, sdipar, sdiwat, water quality, water supply, water treatment

This document is reference manual for programme and field staff of the Plan International West Africa Water Programme. It includes a field guide for participatory evaluation; a testing matrix for behavioural change; key aspects of gender analysis; guidelines on and an overview of tools for working and planning with communities; background information on cost recovery (financial management, willingnesss to pay, tariff design, financing options); key aspects of water quality including an overview of water treatment methods; and an overview of low-cost rural water supply technologies.

Custom 1205.1, 202.0, 201
Original PublicationWest Africa water programme : evaluation and advisory mission : final report. Pt. 1. Main report, West Africa water programme : evaluation and advisory mission : final report. Pt 2. Country reports


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