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TitleWillingness-to-pay surveys, a streamlined approach : guidance notes for small town water services
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsWedgwood, A, Sansom, K
Paginationxiv, 234 p. : 26 boxes, 17 fig., 23 tab.
Date Published2003-01-01
PublisherWater, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC
Place PublishedLoughborough, UK
ISBN Number1843800144
Keywordscontingent valuation surveys, costs, data analysis, demand responsive approaches, guidelines, interviews, investment, sdiafr, sdiman, small towns, tanzania dar es salaam, tariffs, uganda southern region bushenyi district, water supply, willingness to pay
NotesBibliography: p. 189
Custom 1202.5, 264.1


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