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This article points out that in the area of water resources development and environmental protection, women at present are more often the victims than beneficiaries.

TitleWomen and water
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsBulajich, B
Paginationp. 2-4: 3 photogr.
Date Published1992-01-01
Keywordshealth aspects, planning, policies, programmes, projects, sanitation, socioeconomic impact, water supply, women

This article points out that in the area of water resources development and environmental protection, women at present are more often the victims than beneficiaries. It is suggested that women should become more involved, particularly in the planning, design, operation and maintenance stages as well as in health education programmes. In this way water and sanitation projects could more effectively achieve the ultimate goals of more and safer water, resulting in better health.

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