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Transformative national schemes 

In India, national and state level government are committed to ensuring water and sanitation services for everyone. The national government's flagship scheme - the Schwachh Bharat Mission - is geared to deliver safe sanitation. While the Jal Jeevan Mission scheme and the Odisha state scheme are aimed at providing safe water. 

Requiring a different approach  

IRC in India is shifting from a district-based model to a market driven approach that will be tested in India, Bangladesh and South Asia more broadly. We aim to play a role as a sub-continent think tank, influencing and supporting states and countries to move faster in achieving safely managed water and sanitation services through systems thinking and approaches. 

Building forward 

We will focus on finance and institutions, planning and monitoring, gender and build alliances with sectors beyond water and sanitation, including those organising around young people, women, climate, health and education. 

IRC Asia programme

IRC Bangladesh programme


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